[WikiEN-l] Re: Proposal: make user pages uneditable

Daniel Mayer maveric149 at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 4 19:44:00 UTC 2004

--- Rick <giantsrick13 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Do you people not understand how much disgusting (pornographic, name-calling)
> vandalism goes on on User pages?  It's one of the main reasons for blocking
> anons.  The Talk page is for editing.  The User page is for a person's
> philosophy, who they are, what they are.  Why do you feel the need to do
> that?  What's wrong with just editing the Talk page and leaving the User page
> alone?

There is nothing wrong with fixing links and adding barnstars and such. But I
do agree that overall editorial control over user pages should be with users.
That said, I do not at all support the default protection of user pages. Many
admins feel the need to protect their user pages; I don't, but I don't take
issue with those that do. 

Live and let live and all that happy crap people! 

-- mav

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