[WikiEN-l] This isn't a theoretical issue; its real.

Daniel Mayer maveric149 at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 25 19:43:55 UTC 2004

--- Robert <rkscience100 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Charle Podle is making things up. I did *not* make my name
> public. EntmootsOfTrolls did, shortly before he theartened
> to give my identity to Islamic extremists. (Groups that at
> the time and now, were infamous for murdering those that
> they disagreed with.)

RK, on several occasions I've seen your real name in the from field in messages
sent to this list. You 'outed' yourself. But EoT and his sockpuppets are
already banned. 
> Mr Natural Health didn't threaten to give me up to
> Islamists; he coldly told me that he himself was a Nazi,
> and that he lived near me. That's the same as sending an
> e-mail to a black in the south that you are a member of the
> KKK. Its called an implicit threat, and the local police
> departments take such threats seriously, even if certain
> Wiki-En members do not.

Arbitration of Mr Natural Health is proceeding. It looks like he is going to
get another long ban again for doing the type of thing you are complaining
about. In the future we will be using initial rulings to stop people from
continuing to harm the community while arbitration is on-going. What we really
need are more people to volunteer for the committee and to actually let admins
enforce our policies. 

-- Daniel Mayer (aka mav)

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