Policy violations (was [WikiEN-l] Re: Violation ofblockingpolicyby user "40277")

sannse sannse at tiscali.co.uk
Fri Jun 25 18:53:35 UTC 2004

Charles worte:

> > I think this case has said a lot about our community reaction to
> > I'm seriously considering starting a Save the Newbie campaign here.
> >
> > --sannse

> To be fair (though matters may have gone wrong here) newbies also need
> saving from well-intentioned advice to start their time on WP, not logged
> in, adding comments on American political topics that are divisive and
> concerning divisiveness.  The deep end.

Yes, such advice to take things easy at first would be part of the policies
of the RSPCN (with it's US branch of SPCN of course).  Those who slide
easily into the Wikipedia culture tend to be those who start by writing NPOV
articles about fluffy kittens rather than those jumping in to the more...
ummm... /active/ areas of the 'pedia.


do we /have/ an article on [[Fluffy kitten]]s?

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