[WikiEN-l] From RK about a contested article, and the responses

Robert rkscience100 at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 15 13:48:48 UTC 2004

Mav wrote:
> Blah, blah, blah Robert. You cry wolf so often that
> I just delete your messages without ever reading 
> them anymore. I'm sure many other people do the same. 

Your taunting is out of place, Mav. Please refrain from
using this list in that way; this list is only for
discussion of Wikipedia policy.

Further, Wikipedia users should be aware that Mav's claims
are incorrect. Just check the edit history of the article I

[[Palestinian views of the peace process ]] 

Its not a matter of opinion whether or not Anthere did such
editing and protection; the only opinion can be on if this
was wise.

Danny writes:
> As of today, Anthere has quite a bit more authority
> than you care to imagine. Pick your enemies wisely, 
> Robert. I wouldn't go launching attacks on the Board
> if I were you. 

Danny, from where I stand, those with the most power are
the ones who are most obligated to be careful in using this
power, and in making sure that Wikipedia rules are followed
in a fair manner. In fact, that is what others on this list
hae always said as well. Your letter basically implies that
we must do what the new powers that be say, "or else". 
Even Anthere isn't saying this. Maybe I was a bit hot in
how I expressed my disagreement with her actions, but I was
very specific about what I considered wrong, and why.

I offered several paragraphs stating what my points were
(even if these paragraphs were written by a better writer
than myself.) People had the opportunity to read them, and
consider them on their merits. That's what this list is for
- when we think an issue isn't about an article, but about
Wikipeida policy itself. I see no reason to refrain from
doing this.

Ironically, only Anthere has actually responded to the
points in my letter to this list. And she has replied in a
modest and impartial way which gives me much hope. She
focused on the content and on the issues I raised, a lesson
for all of us. However, others have made polemical
statements or personal remarks. Thus:

(A) It looks like mediation can be made on this article,
between Anthere, Mav, Danny, myself, and others.
(B) But it depresses me that many people here refuse to
focus on the specific issues, and focus instead on personal

This is not what I expected at all, but it's interesting.

RK (Robert)

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