[WikiEN-l] Red faction and the Legion of Trolls

Daniel Mayer maveric149 at yahoo.com
Sat Jun 12 23:50:16 UTC 2004

What the hell is up with this? 


Wikipedia breaking up into factions is a very, very bad idea.

Also, comments from IndigoGenius like: 

"Father of the Fifth World movement, thinks Jimbo is brain dead and deserves
the death penalty; not a job editing (I mean deleting) the ideas that will
change and save our world! God made a mistake when he made Jimbo!!"

are not at all acceptable and should be deleted on sight and the user who wrote
them blocked from editing. 

JRR's mention and link to [[meta:Regime change]] (a page mostly written by
banned user 142.177) along with many other 142-written meta pages elesewhere
(such as http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:JRR_Trollkien/Troll ) indicates that
JRR and 142.177 are one in the same. 

This type of crap should not be tolerated - and yet it is. I am fearful that
our open and trusting nature is making us a haven for trolls. 

-- Daniel Mayer (aka mav)

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