[WikiEN-l] RE: ...

KNOTT, T tknott at qcl.org.uk
Wed Jun 9 16:25:04 UTC 2004

OK a few points to clear up
1)       I am an administrator on wikipedia. I can check to see if you
IP is blocked if you tell it to me, and I can unblock it.
2)       I do not represent wikipedia, my opinions are my own. Non of
the admins represent wikipedia.
3)       You are cc you emails to a mailing list where all and sundry
can read what you write. The people who have replied so far are only
trying to help. 
4)       The "administrator" in the message of this mailing list means
the person who checks the mailing list for spam etc It is not the same
thing as the site administrators. We should probably change the name of
one or the other to save confusion in the future.
It looks to me as if Angela's suggestion that you clicked on a red link
is probably what happened, though it doesn't explain why you shouldn't
be able to read subsequent pages. Unless the server went down in the
meantime, which was perfectly possible I suppose.
Sorry for replying when you have indicated you don't want to read any
more replies but some of the points you make do need to be discussed by
everyone. It was not my intention to be rude when I said "calm down".
Ill happily take it back. 
-----Original Message-----
From: Cerise Rose [mailto:ceriserose69 at yahoo.com] 
Sent: 09 June 2004 16:59
To: KNOTT, T; ajh65 at hermes.cam.ac.uk
Cc: wikien-l at Wikipedia.org
Subject: ...

Interesting that after telling you to leave me ALONE after this I now
receive a few more replies.
IF the site was set up to leave a message for an ADMINISTRATOR or
ADMINISTRATOR QUEUE without having to log in, I would not have HAD to go
this route.  First off, every email I send to wikien-l at Wikipedia.org
gets a reply that says it would have to be reviewed by the
administrators BEFORE it was released to the board.  I realized it
wasn't the 'right' place to send the message but there was no other
obvious place on the pages I could access.  Silly me thought one would
actually BE looking at it and deal with what could be a potential
problem on YOUR board. If I was posting to the wrong place,  or if there
was a better place to contact the admins, maybe it should be a bit more
obvious.  With the ban message I received I couldn't get into all areas
of the site, right?  You'd think that people who are banned erroneously
or not, might need a way to contact the administration if they think
it's in error.
I don't know who you, or anyone else is, when they email me back, right?
I'M NOT and DO NOT WISH to be a member.  When someone asks me for an IP
and sounds like they're going to investigate when I provide them the
info, am I so far off to think they MIGHT be an ADMINISTRATOR?  Even
Theresa's response today asks me to give information on the error
messages I received (which, again weeks later, I don't remember them).
Timwi, I'm am not getting into the semantics of my post.  Telling
someone to calm down *IS* rude.  I didn't say Theresa was hyper or
upset, did I?  So your point about her reply not being so either is
completely irrelevant.  
If I don't understand things about the board maybe it's because I'm NOT
A MEMBER.  I can't stress this enough.  I'm someone who found some
interesting things on a website and for no apparent reason hit a wall
and thought a simple email to the admins voicing my displeasure at the
screwed up site might get me somewhere. In hindsight, I wish I'd just
hit another google site and been done with this crap.
I was reading.  I clicked on a link to go to another page of what I was
reading. From that moment on I could not access a single thing on the
site, except for a page that has a link to a message board that
apparently spits my concern to all and sundry without prejudice.  End 
of story.  Something somewhere FUCKED UP. Usually administrators and
site webmasters LIKE to know when things go wrong. Usually they listen
to feedback.  Apparently this site is NOT set up that way.
As for swearing at casual participants, for that I apologize Theresa.
Without identifying yourself as not being admin, I did think you were
representing the site. I am normally not so reactive, but the sheer and
utter stupidity of the way this site runs (or doesn't run) has
frustrated me beyond belief.
I will not reply to any more messages.  I'm completely done with this.
Thank you for taking your time and attempting to assist me, again,
Theresa I'm sorry for not understanding your position and taking out
what should be for the administration on you.


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