[WikiEN-l] "Ilk" defined. "Trolls and Flamers"? Sure Sheldon. Mirror mirror?

Mr Paul Vogel bannedneedle at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 26 18:51:45 UTC 2004

Some, like Sheldon, don't get sanctioned by Wikipedia
for any such false, although indirect, "personal
attacks" upon other Wikipedians?

Maybe Sheldon, like Timwi, are of the same "ilk"?


Timwi wrote:

>You could try to contribute to OpenFacts or
>Disinfopedia instead (you
>can Google for these)... maybe they won't "censor"

I'm pretty sure they will. In the spirit of
collegiality, though, I'd 
like to suggest that Wikipedia refrain from passing
their trolls and 
flamers on to other sites. Would you like it if
Disinfopedia or 
OpenFacts recommended that THEIR trolls visit

--Sheldon Rampton

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