[WikiEN-l] a more "confident" username

Tom Parmenter tompar at world.std.com
Tue Mar 11 22:41:34 UTC 2003

|From: erik_moeller at gmx.de (Erik Moeller)
|Sender: wikien-l-admin at wikipedia.org
|Reply-To: wikien-l at wikipedia.org
|Date: 11 Mar 2003 23:28:00 +0100
|> Erik, please don't continue singling out LittleDan for
|> special schooling--there's no reason to condescend to
|> him because he's young,
|I have already cited the reasons, I don't care how old he is. As for  
|moving this to private mail:
|1)Understanding the deletion process is essential, especially as  
|undeleting pages is currently a PITA. Therefore, the more often the  
|process is publicly summarized, the better.
|2)The whole process of sysop nomination and sysop status transfer is a  
|public process, not a private one.
|I will therefore continue to publicly "quiz" nominated sysops whom I  
|suspect may not be familiar with our process about its finer details.

We can all use a refresher on what the sysop is all about.  No harm

Tom P.

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