[WikiEN-l] A concept from Buckminster Fuller

Christopher Mahan chris_mahan at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 27 22:22:38 UTC 2002

> Yelling, certainly, doesn't help.  Shaming, in an atmosphere where
> there
> is strong general support for certain principles that are
> *egregiously*
> violated, *can* help and *has* helped upon occasion.
> It is *precisely* in a medium of collaboration where shaming can
> help!
> I'm not going to stop doing it, myself, and I continue to advocate
> its
> tasteful, usually tongue-in-cheek, winking, use.  Treating others
> with
> respect is important as well; but I wouldn't attempt to shame
> someone that
> I didn't have at least enough respect to think that they'd react
> appropriately.

When you shame someone, you demonstrate a lack of respect. Jokingly
shaming someone is still shaming someone.
I don't like it.

Christopher Mahan
chris_mahan at yahoo.com

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