[WikiEN-l] A concept from Buckminster Fuller

Anthere anthere5 at yahoo.com
Fri Nov 22 18:18:00 UTC 2002

--- Jimmy Wales <jwales at bomis.com> wrote:
> (I confess: I don't understand what should go to
> wikien-l and what
> should go to wikipedia-l.)

Well, that's simple. Do you think wasps only enter the
main window leading to the english wikipedia, or do
you think the wasp may also enter that small remote
window on - say - the french wikipedia ?

Answer : monday evening, I painfully climbed the
ladder to close the window for the night, for a wasp
has entered through the window.
10 mn ago, I closed it again, and will favor keeping
it close now. Youssefsan suggested we also close the
curtains and not advertise the french wiki location
for the wasps not to come in big numbers.

If the wasp can enter only the main window in the
home, you post to the english list. If it appears the
wasp can enter through any open window, you post to
the main list...

ya ?

I'll take time to come back on the answers/comments
provided a couple of days ago this we...

But we must not kill the wasp
> When a wasp is in the house, most people try to shoo
> it out a window
> with a newspaper.  They open a window wide, and then
> take a newspaper
> or magazine and launch repeated attacks on the wasp
> to try to convince
> it to fly out the window.  This is a frustrating and
> usually
> impossible procedure.  It is contrary to the nature
> of the wasp.  It's
> exhausting and usually ends in the death of the
> wasp.  I would imagine
> that some people get stung in the process.
> Buckminster Fuller found a better way, a way that
> works with virtual
> certainty, with comparatively little effort.  Here's
> what to do: close
> the curtains and/or shades and/or blinds on all the
> windows except the
> open window.  Turn off the light in the room.  Make
> the room as dark
> as possible, except for the window where you wish
> the wasp to go.  The
> wasp will fly out quickly and voluntarily.
> There are lessons to be learned here.  In the design
> of proper traffic
> systems, it's important to not fight against human
> nature.  Rather
> than expecting and hoping people to behave properly
> at huge
> intersections, it's safer to build overpasses and
> ramps.
> In dealing with problem members, we should ask
> ourselves: are we
> shooing a wasp?  Is there a better way?
> --Jimbo
> p.s. Through a quick web search, I have been unable
> to confirm that this actually
> should be attributed to Buckminster Fuller.  But
> that's how I heard it.
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