[Wikide-l] Europaparlamentsresolutionsantrag mit Hyperlinks.

Mathias Schindler mathias.schindler at gmail.com
Mi Apr 19 08:01:38 UTC 2006

Eine kleinere Fraktion im Europäischen Parlament hat im Januar einen
Resolutionsentwurf eingebracht, in dessen Resolutionstext (nicht der
Begründung dazu) Wikipedia-Hyperlinks eingefügt sind.

Der Fremdsprachendienst des EP konnte damit nicht gut umgehen, aber immerhin.


further to Questions for Oral Answer B6‑0003/05 and B6‑0004/05
pursuant to Rule 108(5) of the Rules of Procedure
by Maciej Marian Giertych, Jens-Peter Bonde, Georgios Karatzaferis and
Nils Lundgren
on behalf of the IND/DEM Group
on anti-Semitism and racism

European Parliament resolution on anti-Semitism and racism	 	

The European Parliament,

– having regard to Rule 108(5) of its Rules of Procedure,

A. whereas we commemorate the sixtieth anniversary of the opening of
the gates of the Auschwitz extermination camp by allied forces on 27
January 1945,

B. whereas the Auschwitz camp, established by Nazi Germany in 1940,
initially functioned to eliminate the elite of Polish society:
political, civic and spiritual leaders, members of the intelligentsia,
cultural and scientific figures, and members of the resistance

C. whereas the Auschwitz camp became the largest extermination camp of
European Jews by Nazi Germany,

D. whereas millions of people, mainly Jews but also Poles, Roma,
Soviet prisoners of war, disabled people, Czechs, Yugoslavs and
nationals of France, Greece, Belarus, Ukraine and other countries,
were exterminated at Auschwitz,

E. whereas we grieve for and mourn the lives that perished inside the
Auschwitz camp,

F. whereas we express our hope that no nation or state, whether in the
name of NationalSocialism or any other ideology, political or
otherwise, will rise again to commit such barbaric and merciless
crimes against humanity as Germany did during World War II,

1. Believes that the citizens of Europe must remember the events of
World War II in order to prevent them from ever happening again;

2. Points out that, besides Auschwitz, there were other extermination
camps set up by Nazi Germany, such as
(Kulmhof), http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MajdanekMajdanek,
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sobib%F3rSobibor and
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treblinka_extermination_campTreblinka ,
which are not remembered enough;

3. Asks the Commission and Council to ensure that all nationals who
perished in all the Nazi camps are remembered when the tragic
extermination policies conducted by Germany in World War II are

4. Reiterates its belief that only through remembrance and education
will intolerance, discrimination and racism be halted in the future;

5. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council,
the Commission and the governments of the Member States.

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