[Toolserver-l] Is it allowed under the toolserver rules to make a tool that generates a podcast for wikinews content

bawolff bawolff+wn at gmail.com
Sun May 23 08:44:53 UTC 2010

Hi. At Wikinews, we have an audio sub-project - Audio Wikinews. It
records the daily news in a radio-broadcast report style. Anyways, we
upload the ogg files to commons, which is great, but iTunes/iPods
don't like vorbis, which is a large potential audience. Would it be
allowed to have a podcast feed on the toolserver, with mp3 versions of
the files also on the toolserver so we could get audio wikinews into

I imagine having a podcast/rss feed is within the rules, but having
the mp3's on the toolserver seems borderline as a non-free format, and
somewhat like using toolserver to serve actual content (although its
not really wiki content). Anyways, I thought I'd ask just to see.


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