[Toolserver-l] Archive of visitor stats

Platonides platonides at gmail.com
Tue Sep 15 21:11:46 UTC 2009

Lars Aronsson wrote:
> Are visitor stats (as produced by Domas) safely archived 
> somewhere, for example on the toolserver, where development 
> projects can easily access them for analysis?  I have made my own 
> copies of the files (I guess my plan was to use them, but this 
> hasn't started yet), but now I'm running out of disk and I 
> urgently need to clear some space on that server.
> I just deleted September 2009 (last 2 weeks) and that freed 9 GB.
> The oldest I have is pagecounts-20071209-180000.gz

They should be at /mnt/user-store/stats At least from 1 October 2008.

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