[Toolserver-l] The Norwegian toolserver

Artur Fijałkowski wiki.warx at gmail.com
Tue Jul 28 21:36:11 UTC 2009

2009/7/28 Lars Aronsson <lars at aronsson.se>:

> Did this happen? Are there a bunch of such servers around the
> world today?  Is there a list of such servers?  Should we
> encourage people to do this, or should we try to concentrate work
> (and pool resources) to the (real / German) toolserver?

There are to main reasons why sometimes it's easier to create
toolserver on your own then ''donating'' German toolserver:

* it's not easy to transfer money to other country from chapter (if it
has charity status eg.)
* not everyone accepts German rules on their toolserver :P


ps. WM-PL has 2 machines which can be called ''toolserver''

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