[Toolserver-announce] Introducing the jobserver

River Tarnell river.tarnell at wikimedia.de
Mon Jan 18 21:24:57 UTC 2010


Our trained monkeys have been working non-stop for the last week on a new 
piece of software for the Toolserver: the jobserver.  This software is now 
ready for testing.

The jobserver is an alternative to cron/phoenix for starting long-running 
jobs.  Instead of having to invoke phoenix regularly in cron, you can 
instead add your job to the jobserver, and it will be (re)started 
automatically, even if the server crashes or reboots.

This is still very much pre-alpha, but I've installed the jobserver on 
willow for testing.  You can read more about the jobserver and how to use it 
on the wiki:

Please report any problems on the wiki page.  While you should feel free to
use and test the jobserver as much as you want, do remember that it may
still have serious problems that result in your jobs not running when you
expect, or maybe worse.

In the future the jobserver will have additional functionality, including 
scheduled jobs (to replace cron with a single integrated solution).  If you 
have any other feature requests, you should list them on the wiki.

  - river.
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