[Toolserver-announce] MNT-174: Update of twisted

DaB. WP at daniel.baur4.info
Wed Jan 13 20:07:17 UTC 2010

Hello all,

on saturday night, I will install all non-critical updates of debian-packages 
on nightshade. This time, twisted will be updated too and it will have a major 
release jump from 8 to 9.
If you use twisted, please read the changelog (I attached a copy to the 
maintaince-ticket) and check if there could be problems. If you found a 
problem, please leave me a notice and I will delay the update until you can 
fix the problem with your code.

The update will also affect some other packages (for details, see maintaince-
ticket), but there should be no problems AFAIS.

The maintaince-ticket is at https://jira.toolserver.org/browse/MNT-174.


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