[Textbook-l] Textbooks (response to Jimbo's WikiEN-l post)

Tomasz Wegrzanowski taw at users.sourceforge.net
Thu Jun 26 16:30:35 UTC 2003

On Thu, Jun 26, 2003 at 09:01:42AM -0700, Jimmy Wales wrote:
> Daniel Mayer wrote:
> > When there is no real controversy on a topic (in a global sense)
> > then facts can be presented as facts.
> That's right.  And a lot of science at the level of details does fall
> into the category.  For example, reasonable creationists don't claim
> that scientists are just *lying* about finding fossils, about genetic
> variation, and so on.  All the basic evidence is uncontroversial, at
> least generally speaking, although of course there are challenges to
> specific details here and there.

"reasonable creationist" sounds oxymoron to me.
Could we please stop being US-centric ? There aren't any creationists
anywhere else in the world, and those in US seems more like some kind of
cult than something that has anything to do with science.

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