[RCom-l] On RCom reviewing research requests

Dario Taraborelli dtaraborelli at wikimedia.org
Wed Aug 10 22:59:40 UTC 2011


I am back in the office after Wikimania, where I had a really great time and the chance to meet many of you. I had lots of great discussions with community members and researchers and I will share some thoughts on RCom-relevant matters that emerged during the conference. Before starting a post-Wikimania thread, I'd like to highlight two issues that emerged as part of the review of the CMU proposal recently posted on Meta:

1) What's the role of RCom when reviewing these requests? We need to define explicitly what it means for RCom to "review" (as opposed to "approve" these requests), especially in those cases that do not need a direct decision from WMF. See: http://bit.ly/rgchWQ 

2)  Under what conditions can WMF claim reuse rights? We have to rethink the application of the "reuse rights" clause as it obviously does not apply to proposals that seek RCom feedback to review subject recruitment methods, but with no direct allocation of WMF effort/resources (thanks Aaron for bringing this up). Daniel, I think this is something you should lead as part of our OA/open data policy.

Aaron and I are starting to prepare the agenda for the next RCom meeting, we will send a link shortly: stay tuned!


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