I will be there, possibly 15 min late! But will join for sure.
I haven't updated anything in the wiki yet. I will do later on, or after the chat....pre-xmas palaver ;-)
g On 14 Dec 2010, at 21:46, Dario Taraborelli wrote:
Dear all,
the 2nd RCom Meeting will take place on Saturday 18 at 5:00pm GMT, as the date/time seems to suit everybody who turned up on doodle so far. Luca, Erik, Mayo, WereSpielChequers - I haven't heard from you but hopefully you can join us (please drop me a line if you want me to add you to the list of attendees). We will try to hold the meeting on Skype (voice) with a Skype chat backup and Etherpad for note taking/agenda (separate email will follow).
I'd also like to ask 15' of your time to take part in a pilot survey to understand reasons why academics/scientists do (not) contribute to Wikipedia. The survey has been inspired by a recent discussion on FriendFeed, it has been designed by Daniel and myself, with input from other people: http://bit.ly/AcaWP
If you get a chance to go through it, I'd love to have your feedback on how to improve it before it goes live.
I look forward to talking to you this Saturday.
Best, Dario <ATT00001..txt>