[QA] deployment-soa-cache01 is down, what to do?

Antoine Musso hashar+wmf at free.fr
Tue Oct 21 20:55:54 UTC 2014

Le 20/10/2014 21:42, Yuvi Panda a écrit :
> Hello!
> I've been slowly ramping up Labs monitoring, and currently have hosts
> up/down availability on shinken (shinken.wmflabs.org -
> username/password: guest/guest).
> deployment-soa-cache01 seems to be a host in betacluster that is down,
> does anyone know what to do with it?


It seems deployment-soa-cache01 has been created back in August by
Alexandros who is part of ops.

I suspect 'soa' stands for Service Oriented Architecture, that would
indicate the instance was/is meant to host multiple -oid services
(citoid, mathoid, parsoid, whateveroid).

One can poke Alexandros about it, will try to remember to ask him about
it tomorrow.

Antoine "hashar" Musso

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