[QA] an experiment: fatal error notices on beta labs sent to this mail list

Nikolas Everett neverett at wikimedia.org
Mon Jan 27 15:36:07 UTC 2014

On second thought - this is worthless if it comes so frequently.  I'll just
mute it.  Do it in batches of one day?

On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 10:34 AM, Željko Filipin <zfilipin at wikimedia.org>wrote:

> On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 4:30 PM, Chris McMahon <cmcmahon at wikimedia.org>wrote:
>> I am concerned that it might be too much noise on a list that generally
>> has a lot of signal.
> Looks like that has already happened. There were 7 e-mails in the last few
> minutes. The e-mails just said: "The file at /data/project/logs/fatal.log
> on the deployment cluster has a new entry within the last hour.  You should
> check it out." I have no clue (and I guess the most people on the list)
> how to get to that log file, so the message is not really useful.
> Željko
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