[QA] Run UploadWizard API integration test against production...

Željko Filipin zfilipin at wikimedia.org
Mon Jan 13 15:47:38 UTC 2014

Adding QA list to the discussion, with permission from Antoine. Comments
are inline (marked #1 and #2).


On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 6:21 PM, Antoine Musso <amusso at wikimedia.org> wrote:

> Hello Željko,
> Aaron Arcos wrote a smoke test for UploadWizard. The idea is to upload a
> file on commons every X hours and report back by email whenever
> something is broken.
> I think it would be a good candidate for the CloudBe Jenkins.

#1 The plan is to move from Jenkins hosted at Cloudbees to WMF instance in
the near future. Is there a reason you think this should be running from
Cloudbees and not from WMF Jenkins?

>  The test
> is available in the repository mediawiki/extensions/UploadWizard as:
>  test/api/upload-wizard-tests.py
> It needs a user / password which is valid on commons.
> The script has some python dependencies which can be installed using:
>  pip install -rtest/api/requirements.txt
> https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=58923
> I got some experience with python myself, would you like to pair up next
> week to have it deployed on CloudBee ?

#2 Sure. My WMF Google calendar is always up to date, feel free to schedule
a pairing session any time I am not in a meeting. Or just ping me on IRC. :)

> Antoine
> Le 09/01/14 17:02, Aaron Arcos a écrit :
> > Hi again Antoine,
> >
> >   Can you help me to set this test to run agains production? That would
> > be very much appreciated. My proposal would be to run this test against
> > commons-prod-api every 6h and notify QA and Multimedia teams if
> > something is broken. I updated the tracking  bug/58923
> > <https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=58923> with this info.
> > Let me know if anything else and/or if I can be of any help.
> >
> > Thanx !
> >
> >
> > On Mon, Dec 23, 2013 at 3:42 PM, Aaron Arcos <aarcos.wiki at gmail.com
> > <mailto:aarcos.wiki at gmail.com>> wrote:
> >
> >     I created the following bug/58923
> >     <https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=58923> to track the
> >     hooking of the script at the right places. I think Antoine is the
> >     person that would normally set this up but he is on vacation. Any
> >     other volunteers that could help with this hooking? I am not very
> >     familiar with Jenkins configuration stuff. Until that happens, no
> >     testing is taking place at all.
> >
> >
> >     On Mon, Dec 23, 2013 at 3:24 PM, Chris McMahon
> >     <cmcmahon at wikimedia.org <mailto:cmcmahon at wikimedia.org>> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >         On Mon, Dec 23, 2013 at 4:17 PM, Greg Grossmeier
> >         <greg at wikimedia.org <mailto:greg at wikimedia.org>> wrote:
> >
> >             Couple questions:
> >
> >
> >
> >             The tests are being run from the WMF Jenkins, but where are
> >             they pointed
> >             at? Beta Cluster AND production or just one or the other?
> >             Something
> >             else?
> >
> >
> >         These are intended to run against production Commons, in order
> >         to monitor critical production services.  We have other tests
> >         for beta labs and for test2wiki.
> >
> >
> >             > 3) Run periodically as a Jenkins job, notifying interested
> >             parties by email
> >             > on failure (meaning that uploads are not working on
> Commons)
> >
> >             How often is 'periodically'? :)
> >
> >             If the tests are run against the Beta Cluster, it would make
> >             sense to
> >             run the test any time any implicated code is changed and
> >             pushed to Beta
> >             Cluster (and, every day or something to catch odd other
> >             breakages).
> >
> >
> >         We have other avenues for testing on beta.  What we really
> >         needed was an exemplar for monitoring production services (read:
> >         API) in the most reliable way possible (read: not a browser)
> >         with a binary working/not-working report, with UploadWizard on
> >         Commons as the first example.
> >
> >
> >              is there a wikipedia project that'd be
> >             willing to have a test category like Commons does?
> >
> >
> >          Let's get it working on Commons first, and worry about other
> >         wikis later.
> >
> >         -Chris
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Antoine "hashar" Musso
> Mob.: +33 6 98 81 18 38 -- Skype: hashar
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