[QA] Browsertests using only WMF Jenkins and beta labs!

Chris McMahon cmcmahon at wikimedia.org
Fri Apr 18 17:26:35 UTC 2014

Hello QAers,

Thanks to Antoine and Željko, we are now running a number of builds for
browsertests that use the WMF Jenkins instance with headless Firefox to run
against the beta labs test environment directly.

This is really exciting.  It has been a long time coming.

For one thing, a major source of test failures in our current builds is
because of slow, bad internet connections between the Cloudbees Jenkins
hosts and the Sauce Labs browser hosts, a situation we can do nothing
about.  By communicating directly from WMF Jenkins to WMF beta labs we
greatly reduce that issue.

For another thing, we will be able to run both builds and tests in
parallel, such that all of the test suites will complete in only the time
it takes for the longest single test to complete.  Even these first builds
are running about three times faster than they do in the equivalent
Cloudbees-Sauce environment.

We have many more enhancements to come that will build on this work, but
this is an enormous first step.

Many thanks to Antoine and Željko for making this happen!

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