[QA] Annoying little bugs

Quim Gil qgil at wikimedia.org
Thu Sep 19 17:43:46 UTC 2013


Last week we had AllStaff week at the Wikimedia Foundation, a good 
chance to chat casually about many topics with many colleagues.

One idea that spontaneously came out was to highlight


and use these selected bugs as an entry point for new contributors. As a 
specific goal we decided to promote ONE bug to solve every week. The 
point of this being not only to fix that bug, but also (and mainly) to 
advertise entry points to different tech projects and activities, and 
Bugzilla/QA itself.

Andre took the action of organizing a Bug Day in October to kick off 
this process. The goals for that day are:

* Triage reports tagged as EASY: 

* Choose the annoying little bugs for the next 4 weeks, plus a backlog 
of a dozen featured bugs from different areas, just in case.

* Improve https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Annoying_little_bugs as a 
landing page to be promoted through Wikimedia mainstream channels.

What we should do before is to document the criteria that make a bug 
EASY, so we and anybody can assign that keyword consistently. Andre took 
notes.  :)

(to be processed)  :)

Quim Gil
Technical Contributor Coordinator @ Wikimedia Foundation

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