[QA] How MediaWiki, software that runs Wikipedia, is tested

Tomislav Plavcic tplavcic at gmail.com
Thu Jun 6 00:01:56 UTC 2013

On Tue, Jun 4, 2013 at 7:46 PM, Ċ½eljko Filipin <zfilipin at
wikimedia.org> wrote:

> Tomislav, you saw the talk at DORS/CLUC conference, right? Is there
> anything that I should add/remove/fix? I would also appreciate comments
> about my speaking skills (was I loud enough, did I manage to explain the
> topic...)

You could talk a little louder :). Regarding the content, you had a
of the bug in the procedure that generates a link to the pdf document
if it didn't
generate the link within limited time frame (if i'm correct). To me it
felt you could
find a better demo example (because it did work but just not in that limited
time frame) - but that's only my opinion and i'm not saying it's not a bug.
Everything else was perfect and the topics were explained clearly.

> I plan to rehearse the talk for Selenium conference this week. Anybody
> interested in helping me rehearse it via Google Hangout or Skype? It would
> be a good practice for me, and you would get the chance to ask questions
> and help me make a better talk.

I'm in if i'll be free at the given time. There will be other :) questions.

Tomislav Plavcic
Theoretically, if I cut costs enough we'll be profitable without
selling any products... Dilbert

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