Hello again!
Sorry for bothering but this has to be solved at some point... ;))
Of course, this refactoring has already been done correctly in the rewrite...
May be I should have mentioned first that I am talking about 'trunk' and not 'rewrite'... ;)
While reading the 'rewrite' realisation of 'getUrl' and also 'pywikibot.comms.http.request' I came along the comment "Queue a request to be submitted to Site." IN 'pywikibot.comms.http.request'... So to me it seems this is the site's 'getUrl' method instead of a generic one as it should be... ;) and as it needs info from the site object it will be hard to separate the two.
But in fact I just want to conider the 'trunk' part. I would like to propose to split the site's 'getUrl' into a generic one (e.g. in 'pywikibot.comms.http.request' analogue to 'rewrite') and the usual one in site object (which then uses the genric one). That way we have both; the genric one (I desperately need) and the site's one, that - as Merlijn mentioned
However, my point remains: this is not something Site.getUrl /should/ do, as it is not related to the Site object /at all/. As far as I am concerned, this parameter should be *removed* rather than *encouraged* - general http functions should be in a *general* module, /not/ in the site object.
In that way both our needs would be satisfied and thus this could be a possible way to go? Any other opinions?
I would also offer to do the adoptions and write the needed code parts - even though it might take some time... ;)
Greetings DrTrigon