Hello all!
I have a quite confusing situation happening to my bot when trying to access any URL that points to foreign (but mediawiki software) wiki, like this:
pywikibot.getSite().getUrl(foreign_wiki_url, no_hostname = True)
This should be more or less similar to a simple:
I mean I am not trying to edit or access that other wiki in a usual way (I have not login there, no family file, ...) I just want to fetch the HTML text from that page - which actually works. But while doing this the bot seems to log-out since afterwards it is not able to edit any page anymore the "traceback" from the logs is:
* Password for user DrTrigonBot on wikipedia:de: * /opt/ts/python/2.7/lib/python2.7/getpass.py:83: GetPassWarning: Can not control echo on the terminal. * passwd = fallback_getpass(prompt, stream) * Warning: Password input may be echoed. * * Unhandled exception in thread started by * * Traceback (most recent call last): * File "/home/drtrigon/pywikipedia/bot_control.py", line 317, in write * string = self._REGEX_boc.sub('', string) # make more readable * File "/home/drtrigon/pywikipedia/subster_irc.py", line 156, in main_subster * bot.run() * File "/home/drtrigon/pywikipedia/subster.py", line 220, in run * self.save(page, substed_content, head + mod % (", ".join(substed_tags)), **flags) * File "/home/drtrigon/pywikipedia/dtbext/dtbext_basic.py", line 240, in save * page.put(text, comment=comment, minorEdit=minorEdit, botflag=botflag) * File "/home/drtrigon/pywikipedia/wikipedia.py", line 1708, in put * sysop = self._getActionUser(action = 'edit', restriction = self.editRestriction, sysop = sysop) * File "/home/drtrigon/pywikipedia/wikipedia.py", line 1581, in _getActionUser * self.site().forceLogin(sysop = sysop) * File "/home/drtrigon/pywikipedia/wikipedia.py", line 5008, in forceLogin * if loginMan.login(retry = True): * File "/home/drtrigon/pywikipedia/login.py", line 307, in login * password = True) * File "/home/drtrigon/pywikipedia/wikipedia.py", line 8018, in input * data = ui.input(question, password) * File "/home/drtrigon/pywikipedia/userinterfaces/terminal_interface.py", line 238, in input * text = getpass.getpass('') * File "/opt/ts/python/2.7/lib/python2.7/getpass.py", line 83, in unix_getpass * passwd = fallback_getpass(prompt, stream) * File "/opt/ts/python/2.7/lib/python2.7/getpass.py", line 118, in fallback_getpass * return _raw_input(prompt, stream) * File "/opt/ts/python/2.7/lib/python2.7/getpass.py", line 135, in _raw_input * raise EOFError * EOFError
...any idea whats happening here??
Thanks a lot! Greetings DrTrigon