On 29.02.2012 15:21, Merlijn van Deen wrote:
No, it doesn't need installing. Maybe it doesn't have an XML reader yet. {{sofixit}}.
The problem with trunk is that it is a big heap of smelly code. There are no tests, so every time you change something, there is a large chance you will actually break something without noticing - until someone files a bug report. Because of this, porting it to 3.x is also neigh-impossible: how are you going to test everything actually works?
I could write here {{sofixit}} too... ;)) (if a day could last longer than 24h... ;)
So as far as the future of the framework is concerned, blocking new features in trunk, and actively porting stuff to the rewrite (and adding tests for everything!) would be much, much better.
I agree with you, except of one point; why blocking features in trunk? To speed up migration to rewrite? I would propose starting the migration from trunk to rewrite and block the new features related to already migrated parts only!! That should work too and would make migration easier and smoother. Else you would have different sizes of code bunches to migrate (from tiny up to huge) changing at random depending what feature to implement.
Btw: Are all - even e.g. non-API - functions allowed to be migrated to rewrite?
Greetings DrTrigon