2009/5/10 Francesco Cosoleto cosoleto@gmail.com:
The syntax error occur always because all our scripts (except maybe udp-log.py) aren't compatible with Python 3.0 syntax. And Nicolas' patch raises syntax error intentionally just on the line he has added.
Yes. I dont think that anyone is planning to port pywikipedia for python 3, so that ugly hack looked like the best option to me.
On the other hand, the rewrite branch is meant for Python > 2.5, and separation between bytes and unicode is much more cleaner. If anyone was to maintain a Python3 branch for pywikipedia, I would strongly suggest him to branch from the pywikibot (rewrite) branch. Honestly, I think that Russell already did quite a lot of work to ease the migration to Python3 on that branch.
Please do not forget that our short-term goal should be to update the rewrite branch so it can be considered clean, and so that it can replace the old text-scraping pywikipedia framework that we have in trunk. Having this in mind, I won't spend time to branch the trunk to support Python3. It's a loss of time.