Alex seems to have troubles communicating in English. Let's wait a bit more, see how things go on before asking for radical measures.
The good thing with version control is that we can keep tracks of successive versions. If any *serious* problem arises, we can just revert the change. Don't you think so?
2009/6/11 Francesco Cosoleto
Merlijn van Deen ha scritto:
Please try to split commits if they are not related. In this case, splitting into two (the site data and the KeyboardInterrupt) or three (wikiversity, categories and KeyboardInterrupt) would have been better.
This is the 5th complain about this problem in 16 days. Just remove his SVN account please.
- my private email
- your message
No reply.
And there are commits that have to be reverted and/or fixed. Some of them are incomprehensible for me (for example: "-output: ignore print_stack raise None when OS in windows").
-- Francesco Cosoleto
"Resteranno però gli altri Achei lunghi capelli, finché abbatteremo Troia: e se pure questi... ma sì, sulle navi fuggite verso la patria terra! Noi due, Stènelo e io, lotteremo, fino a che il termine fatale d'Ilio troviamo, perché con nume propizio venimmo." (Omero)
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