I've been working on implementing the category redirect detection suggested by Lars Aronsson (https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=603141&aid=1722782...), but I have a question for other developers. A category redirect is implemented as a "soft redirect"; that is, a template is placed on the page marking it as a redirect, but it does not use the #REDIRECT magic word of the MediaWiki software, so the server doesn't treat it as a redirect. As proposed, a category page (p) that contains a "soft" category redirect would return True both to p.isRedirectPage() and to p.is_category_redirect(); the only way to tell hard redirects apart from soft redirects would be to do something like:
if p.isRedirectPage() and not p.is_category_redirect(): handle_hard_redirects_only()
The question is, if pages that are not hard redirects return True to p.isRedirectPage(), will this break anything else?