Hi everybody,
Casey Brown cbrown1023.ml@gmail.com wrote 07.04.2008
I have seen some of Purodha's work on the toolserver and find it useful, he seems trustworthy and like a good coder to me.
Thank you :-)
On Sun, Apr 6, 2008 at 6:41 PM, Daniel Herding DHerding@gmx.de wrote:
Hi all,
I'd like to suggest to grant developer rights to Purodha B Blissenbach ([[de:Benutzer:Purodha]]). He has contributed some useful patches, but sometimes they just starve because nobody seems to have time to review them. I have met Purodha in person, and I think he's very careful in testing his changes before uploading.
sometimes. More often they are incoporated pretty quickly, thanks to all who do that!
One example is his extensive bug report [ 1903113 ] interwiki.py looses access to Wikipedias, see: https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1903113&gr...
He has submitted two patches, 1907586 and 1918278. I think the approach is worth a try, but the patches seem to be already outdated.
They are. I run the patched version. I am following / solving the related change conflics.
So, Purodha, would you like to have developer access to the SVN repository? And what do others think about my suggestion?
Yes, I do. At least with those small things like additional translated messages, etc. it will be helpful at once.
If I feel insecure about a patch, I can always ask for a review anyways, and I shall likely continue to learn :-)
I'm being rather new to Python, but contiously programming in various languages, with several databases, O/S'es etc. since the late 1970's.
Thank you for your trust.
Gruesse von Purodha - e-mail: bli00@hostsharing.net purodha@users.sourceforge.net - irc: purodha