[Mediawiki-l] Cannot upgrade beyond 1.6.12?

Benjamin Lees emufarmers at gmail.com
Wed Jul 6 20:12:59 UTC 2011

It sounds like you're trying a whole bunch of different things, which
makes it difficult to provide help.  Choose a supported upgrade path
(either 1.16 or 1.17) in a sane operating system environment and
provide the output from it.

On Tue, Jul 5, 2011 at 8:34 PM, Ragansi <ragansi.ircs at gmail.com> wrote:
>  I'm working on a wiki that has been sitting at version 1.3.9 for
> "quite some time" without upgrades. I've not been able to upgrade beyond
> 1.6.12.  The upgrade path is direct from that point.  I download the
> tarball for 1.6.12, unpack it, run the update.php script and all is
> well.  0 problems.
> The pages load fine, everything is editable, the CLI returns no errors
> or warnings.  What strikes me as odd is that if I try and do a "direct
> upgrade" from 1.3.9 to anything beyond 1.6.12 all I get is a white
> screen.  Running php from the CLI results in the following messages:
> PHP Notice:  Undefined index:  REQUEST_METHOD in
> /var/apache2/2.2/htdocs/includes/Setup.php on line 223
> PHP Notice:  Undefined index:  REQUEST_METHOD in
> /var/apache2/2.2/htdocs/includes/WebRequest.php on line 439
> With the exception of 1.15.1, in which case I only get the second message.
> I'm not all that sure of what the problem is at this point, or even
> where I should be looking for answers.  I've tried enabling logging,
> been googleing this for over a week at this point, and I'm not even sure
> which direction to go next.  A pointer in most any direction is utmostly
> appreciated.
> I have attempted the upgrades on the following operating systems and
> various versions of PHP 5 as well:
> Solaris 10, OpenIndiana, CentOS, Debian.  They all result in the same
> outcome, which indicates to me that apache and php are not likely the
> problem, but I'm ruling them out either.
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