[Mediawiki-l] Benefits of using wiki in a corporate environment-how to convience?

Daniel Barrett danb at VistaPrint.com
Mon Oct 18 13:59:57 UTC 2010

Our successful, corporate MediaWiki site has been written up in various places. Here's one article:


and one book (we are one of the major case studies):


MediaWiki can make a HUGE, positive difference for a company, but not if you just throw up a wiki and assume people will see the benefits. The corporate environment is very different from the Web: everyone is "too busy" to learn new systems. Our rollout worked but it took dedicated personnel and a well-thought-out process.


-----Original Message-----
Recently I have being asked task to convience my executive management team
about benefits of using an internal corporate mediawiki in the organization
(say 60 to 80 people). What are some good pointers/resources that I can
point them to?

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