[Mediawiki-l] Unable to run the update-script

Platonides Platonides at gmail.com
Fri Oct 8 21:30:12 UTC 2010

Der Administrator @ Wijuki wrote:
>   Hi there,
> I'd like to extend an existing wiki (MW1.16) with LiquidThreads. In 
> order to modify the db I have to run the maintenance/update.php. But I 
> just can't get that script running, using phpshell since I don't have 
> shell access (shared hosting): always giving me 504 time out error. 
> "unset REQUEST_METHOD", as described in the manual, doesn't help either.
> The same problem of course occurs when I try to upgrade the whole wiki. 
> That problem is solved by simply rerunning the installer. But this 
> solution doesn't work in case of extensions that extend the database.
> So, dear community: Is there any solution for this? Help appreciated.
> --Mirko

Maybe it is really a timeout in the sense that updating liqudthreads
take a long time? In such case you could wourk around that by adding

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