[Mediawiki-l] Problems with TeX support on Mac OS X Leopard

Stephan Seufert sseufert at mpi-inf.mpg.de
Wed Apr 29 11:15:02 UTC 2009

Hi everybody,

I am encountering some strange problems enabling TeX support in my wiki.
I am running the latest Bitnami MediaWiki stack. I have followed all  
steps from the tutorials.

Still, whenever I try to render a latex formula, I receive the error  

Failed to parse (PNG conversion failed; check for correct installation  
of latex, dvips, gs, and convert)

As I have followed all steps from the tutorials, I started debugging a  
little bit. Obviously, the latex command in the file render.ml fails:

if Util.run_in_other_directory tmppath (cmd_latex tmpprefix) != 0

The output of this command is

dyld: Library not loaded: /opt/local/lib/libpng12.0.dylib
   Referenced from: /opt/local/bin/latex
   Reason: Incompatible library version: latex requires version 36.0.0  
or later, but libpng12.0.dylib provides version 35.0.0

This error message seems really strange to me, because latex is not  
using png here (just creating a DVI from a TEX file), and to the best  
of my knowledge there is not even a 36 release of libpng.

Do you have any idea how to proceed here? From the command line  
everything works fine.

Best regards,

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