[Mediawiki-l] fighting; WYSIWYG compatibility - Re: Apple's Wiki Server brings WYSIWYG to wiki

David Pace gps.david.pace at gmail.com
Thu Aug 10 19:56:46 UTC 2006

On 8/10/06, Jan Steinman <Jan at bytesmiths.com> wrote:
> > From: "David Pace" <gps.david.pace at gmail.com>
> > This attitdue of "don't like it? get out" strikes me as a bit
> > antiethical.
> I haven't heard exactly that -- I think that may be a little of
> "creative listening."

It's certainly your prerogative to think that, but that's the impression
some people are left with regardless.

What I don't like is the attitude that the core developers *should*
> do this or that *because* of this or that reason.

My understanding is that the core developers are working towards goals
related to Wikimedia Foundation projects and that if those goals happen to
be  in line with what other users are interested in, then great. If not,
well it's up to the user community to figure it out.

I have NO problem with this.

My attitude is that if you want something, DO IT and give it back to
> the community. If it's popular enough, aids their purpose, and
> doesn't subvert their greater mandate, the developers will roll it in.

I agree wholeheartedly. I just think that there is some pissing and moaning
on both "sides" when subjects turn towards certain issues and I don't think
that is befitting.

But some here are stomping their feet and whining and threatening to
> abandon MediaWiki if this or that reason if their demand is not met.
> Yes, to them, I do say "GET OUT!"

Well, those people likely have no idea about the ethos involved here and can
either be educated or shown the door, I agree.

With open source, the motto is "Lead, follow, or GET OUT OF THE WAY!"
> Whining and demanding is none of the above.
Again, totally agreed. My issue is just that there seems to be some
resistance to certain issues and some negative attitudes on both sides of
the fence. Speaking as someone who is developing Mediawiki in a corporate
environment I understand the core developers have no real interest nor any
obligation to support my needs. What isn't clear to me is why some seem to
think the needs of developers like myself don't really have a place on this
list. Perhaps this can be addressed or explained?

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