[Mediawiki-l] Problems with my PageCreateOrder extension after upgrading to 1.6.3.

Mark Krenz mark at suso.org
Sun Apr 30 17:40:01 UTC 2006

  Hi,  after I upgraded to mediawiki 1.6.3 recently, an extension I
wrote broke.  Actually, it broke the whole wiki and all I get is this
error message:

  Fatal error: Call to undefined function: wfrunhooks() in
 on line 44

 The extension that I wrote is based on the Ancientpages Special page
and is basically a special page that will list the articles according to
when they were created and now also shows who created them.  This
extension was working fine under 1.5.6 and I followed the instructions
for how to make a special page on the mediawiki site.

  I've been trying to figure out how to fix this and found that if I
comment out the line:

   wfRunHooks( 'wgQueryPages', array( &$wgQueryPages ) );

  in the includes/QueryPage.php file, that the wiki and my extension
will work again, but I can only imagine that doing this would cause
other problems.

  I also tried adding this line to my LocalSettings.php file thinking
that maybe I needed to include my extension in that array that is in the
QueryPage.php file:

$wgQueryPages[] = array( 'PageCreateOrderPage', 'PageCreateOrder'      );

  But that didn't work.

 So this leads me to think, did something change in the way Special page
extensions need to be writting in 1.6?  Any ideas?

 You can find the source code to my extension and the include page for



Then of course I put this in my LocalSettings.php file:


 Thanks for any help you can provide.

Mark Krenz
Bloomingpedia - A City Wiki for Bloomington, Indiana.

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