[Mediawiki-l] 1.3.0beta5 experiences

Thomas Rother t.rother at netzwissen.de
Sat Jul 24 08:18:03 UTC 2004

some notes and questions on beta5:
The "plain" installation and also the general upgrade process from older 
wikis (here: 1.2.4) seems to be OK for now. I see none of the 
installation errors (PEAR etc.) which occured when upgrading to beta4.

But: When upgrading a 1.2.4 wiki with approx. 1300 pages, all present 
pages are gone. Even on the "All pages"  and on the link for orphaned 
pages, I see none of the old articles, although they are present in the 
database, although I used the same site name ($wgSitename) as before.

Did I miss something here? Do I need adiditional "tweaking" after 
upgrading from 1.2.4?

(Installation-Log ist enclosed)

Bye, Thommie

    THOMAS M. ROTHER  *  n e t z w i s s e n  *  D-73728 Esslingen   
   F.R. Germany, European Union  *  mailto:t.rother at netzwissen.de    
 http://www.netzwissen.de  *  GPG Key from http://wwwkeys.de.pgp.net 
    Fingerprint B208 E204 4249 4635 19B9 B691 3E73 C8B9 1229 DE4C    

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