[Mediawiki-api] Disambiguations in Database

Rolf Lampa [RIL] rolf.lampa at rilnet.com
Tue Feb 10 14:36:24 UTC 2009

Vanessa Tejada Muñoz skrev:
> :S I don't want to disturb anyone.
> I'm preparing my master thesis and I had several ideas about MediaWiki 
> and disambiguation pages.
> I was looking for information, no more.


You were asking for information, and Mr Roan Kattouw noticed that, and 
gave you the correct information.

For different reasons, his answers were not taken though, so he restated 
and emphasized that his information was really correct (because it was).

I think you've got the information you were asking for. No more, no less.

// Rolf Lampa

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