[Mediawiki-api] Search query returns missing pages

Simon Lehmann simon.lehmann at gmx.de
Mon Aug 11 11:46:38 UTC 2008

Hello list,

I am wondering if the search module should return pages that don't
exist. If I am searching for something, I probably want to find
something that already exists, especially if I use srwhat=text. I don't
even know where the API gets the text to search in, for a page that
doesn't even exist.

Just look at the example:


Besides that, it also seems to find stuff that doesn't even belong into
the main namespace, even if it existed, like:

 - Http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:State-sponsored terrorism by the
United States/Archive 9 (This isn't even a valid title)

 - User tаIk:Jj137/Archivе 5

Is this desired behaviour or is it a bug?

Simon Lehmann

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