[Maps-l] hstore incomplete

Stephan Knauss toolserver at stephans-server.de
Sun Dec 18 00:03:47 UTC 2011

On 17.12.2011 23:38, Kay Drangmeister wrote:
> Of course it is a space advantage not to repeat each tag existing
> in a regular column in the "tags" hstore again, but on the other
> side, stylesheets have to be always adapted if the osm2pgsql config
> file is changed. Plus they will no longer be portable across servers
> with different osm2pgsql configurations.
> Would it be possible to re-import the hstore?
There had been rumors that accessing hstore "columns" is slower than 
regular columns. Anyone done some tests regarding this?

So performance-wise it might be better to adjust styles.
It should be a simple search-replace. It could even be automated so it 
replaces hstore columns with native columns.


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