[Maps-l] Optimizing style sheets for map-tile rendering

Tim Alder tim.alder at s2002.tu-chemnitz.de
Wed Dec 14 20:36:06 UTC 2011

thanks Kay for take a look to the performance of the styles.

One idea from my side is to look also to the ways. I made a statistic to 
a highdensity zoomlevel 9 Metatile (with Amsterdam inside), so I found 3 
Mio. ways inside but only 5% of this objects seems longer than a 1/2 
Pixel in the render result. So perhaps somebody could check that my 
statistic was correct and take a look if we can win something if we use 
the column "way_area" (with index) to filter very small objects.  For 
ways we could create a column "way_length".

The growth in OSM was so big in the last years that we also should think 
about to use roads-table on higher zoomlevel (until z=10).

Greetings Tim

Am 14.12.2011 05:58, schrieb Kai Krueger:
> Hello everyone,
> With the osm rendering database up-to-date again, and no selective
> expiry of tiles at the moment, I would like to do a global expiry of all
> tiles at some point. However, unfortunately, we are still experiencing
> some performance problems, particularly with low zoom rendering.
> These issues are likely to be two fold. a) The performance of the
> database is still not ideal, and b) stylesheets are being less efficient
> with database requests as they should be.
> As an example of a combination of a) and b), one of the queries from the
> hikebike map at zoom level 7 took over 18 minutes to complete for just a
> single query and many queries are necessary to render a tile. This
> perhaps explains why a lot of lowzoom tiles don't successfully complete.
> I am still trying to see if anything can be done about a), but given
> that these issues have been around since pretty much the beginning, I am
> not sure how much we can really improve things here.
> With respect to b), we will need the help of all style sheet authors, to
> try and optimize their style sheets as much as possible to limit
> unnecessary database access. The hikebike map style as an example
> unfortunately seems particularly problematic, but I think other
> stylesheets are somewhat suffering similar issues. For example the
> hikebike tiles at zoom levels below 9 are still timing out, despite
> having increasing the rendering timeout now to a non sustainable 1 hour
> period. With single tiles taking over an hour to render, rendering 200+
> styles is clearly not going to work, so we need to try and optimize
> these style sheets.
> In general, one should try and limit the number of database access as
> much as possible and also try and filter out as much data as one can on
> the db side. In addition there are a few tips one can perhaps follow.
> At low zooms, the biggest problems are access to the planet_line and
> planet_polygon tables.
> - At zoom levels 7 - 8 and lower, accessing the planet_line table should
> probably be avoided at all costs, as it is simply to slow. All (or
> hopefully most) of the information needed at low zooms should be in the
> planet_roads table. Queries on planet_roads should be much faster, as it
> is only 3.6GB in size rather than the 26Gb of the planet_lines table
> - There is no equivalent of the planet_roads for polygons. However, I
> have now created a conditional spatial index on the planet_polygons
> table for the condition of "where building is null", that semi
> partitions the table. Currently nearly 80% of all polygons are building
> polygons. At a total size of 18Gb for the planet_polygon, limiting the
> search to non buildings can significantly help speed up performance. In
> order for styles to take advantage of this index, however, they will
> need to add the condition of "where building is null and ([previous
> where condition]). If all style sheet authors could check if they can
> add this where clause to any low-zoom access to the polygon table that
> would be very helpful.
> - At very low zooms, e.g. something like 0 - 4, one might not want to
> access the osm data at all and instead use the shape file data like the
> coast lines and the natural earth[1,2] shape files that live in
> ~osm/data/world_boundaries/ directory
> - Potentially it might be better to combine several database layers into
> a single query at low zoom levels, to reduce the load on the database.
> Other optimizations to the styles would of cause also be helpful and
> once these styles are improved, it is hopefully possible to do an expiry
> again.
> Kai
> P.S. I had to disable a bunch of styles from tirex as they were causing
> troubles including regular crashes of mapnik. These styles are all of
> the qa/qai styles, the germany style, the powermap, shapenames,
> surveillance and the bw-noicon style. Once they are fixed, they can be
> reactivated.
> [1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_Earth
> [2] http://www.naturalearthdata.com/
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