[Maps-l] ptolemy renderd status

Peter Körner osm-lists at mazdermind.de
Thu Apr 29 16:23:48 UTC 2010

River Tarnell schrieb:
> Hash: SHA1
> Peter Körner:
>> Thank you very much! This is really cool! Does changing the conf require 
>> any additional steps? (eg. reload)?
> You will need to reload renderd at least (there's instructions on the
> wiki page on how to restart it).  It might require a reload of mod_tile
> too, but I'm not certain about that... if you find new stylesheets don't
> show up in Apache, I can just add a way to let osm restart Apache.

Hi river, i just tried to add a very simple stylesheet, just to test how 
all works. I tried /home/project/o/s/m/osm/data/mapnik/shape-names.xml

It's a very basic stylesheet, rendering only the shapefiled plus the 
names on it. I edited renderd.conf and reloaded renderd but I can't 
access the tiles: http://toolserver.org/tiles/shape-names/2/2/1

additionally, when i try to render from command line, i get an error 

osm at ptolemy:~$ $HOME/tools/render --style \

rendering bbox (-180, -85, 180, 85) in style 
/home/project/o/s/m/osm/data/mapnik/shape-names.xml to file map which is 
of type png in size 800x600

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "/home/project/o/s/m/osm/tools/render", line 128, in <module>
   File "/home/project/o/s/m/osm/tools/render", line 81, in main
     mapnik.load_map(m, style)
UserWarning: Could not create datasource. No plugin found for type 
'postgis' in layer 'placenames-large'
osm at ptolemy:~$

Can you help? Thank you!

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