[Maps-l] Announcemen: Multilingual Country-List

Maarten Dammers maarten at mdammers.nl
Thu Aug 13 18:12:54 UTC 2009

Hi Peter,

Peter Körner schreef:
> Hello OSM folks
> For the integration of osm into the wikipedia there will be localized 
> maps in all languages that have their own wikipedia. The problem is, 
> that a lot of countries are not translated yet.
I see you created your own tool. Probably works just fine, but you might 
be interested in http://translatewiki.net :
"Translatewiki.net is a localisation platform for translation 
communities, language communities, and open source projects.
It started out with localisation for MediaWiki. Later support for 
MediaWiki extensions, FreeCol and other open source projects was added."


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