[Labs-l] .err/.out files - is it possible that the system generates those files using timestamps as names?

bwmn.peter at gmail.com bwmn.peter at gmail.com
Tue Mar 14 23:45:31 UTC 2017

I don't think it’s possible, although there are some other alternatives. According to http://gridscheduler.sourceforge.net/htmlman/htmlman1/qsub.html, the following pseudo-environment variables ara available to the -o (stdout path) and -e (stderr path) options:

$HOME       home directory on execution machine
$USER       user ID of job owner
$JOB_ID     current job ID
$JOB_NAME   current job name (see -N option)
$HOSTNAME   name of the execution host
$TASK_ID    array job task index number

You can store these settings in a .jsubrc file located in your home dir (see mine for an example: /data/project/pbbot/.jsubrc) and any future call to jsub/start will parse it if present:

-o /data/project/project_name/logs/$JOB_ID.log

See also man jstart.

Kind regards,

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