[Labs-l] Instances with Salt errors

Andrew Bogott abogott at wikimedia.org
Mon Oct 27 21:21:42 UTC 2014

On 10/27/14 3:24 PM, Marc A. Pelletier wrote:
> [ posted on behalf of Ariel ]
> Hello folks,
> As I was updating salt across labs instances I came across a number of
> instances that had various errors.  Here's a little list, hopefully
> folks can decide what to do about them.
I think a fair number of these are in mothballed projects, in which case 
the best response is to ignore them.  Such projects are listed here:


In some cases there are instances that are ACTIVE yet in a mothballed 
project, which is a bit weird.  Occasionally a user will try to reboot a 
mothballed instance which usually gets it into an 'active' but 
non-functioning state.  I remain available and happy to unpack any of 
these instances if anyone needs that.

> i-00000179 - nova-precise3, ERROR, virt1006 - Image
> c8ef9c64-12ff-435a-b3d6-dfeefbd4ed99 could not be found.
> i-0000017b - nova-precise2, active, dns lookup fails, ping to ip shows
> no route to host
These two are mine -- nonfunctional but I still mount their volumes 
occasionally as a reference.  I'll clean them up when I'm done.

> i-00000249 - upload-wizard, active, Ubuntu 11.10 (oneiric) - do we
> really use oneiric images for anything?  No salt packages in a repo
> anyways, really suggest dist-upgrade
Dist-upgrade is not useful in labs, generally it breaks an instance 

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