[Labs-l] [Toolserver-l] DEPRECATED: tools.wikimedia.de -> Get rid of it!

Merlijn van Deen valhallasw at arctus.nl
Sun May 11 12:28:59 UTC 2014

On 11 May 2014 13:55, Silke Meyer <silke.meyer at wikimedia.de> wrote:

> It is not a trivial redirect: Wikimedia Deutschland will obviously not
> give the wildcard SSL certificate for *.wikimedia.de to WMF (and WMF
> would not want to have it). This would mean we would have to
> completely delegate that subdomain to WMF and guarantee that it stays
> like that forever. This is hard to guarantee and it is also misleading
> to delegate a .de subdomain to the Foundation.

First of all: Why would the (sub)domain need to be delegated to the WMF?
The redirect could just be on WMDE servers.

If the redirect *has* to be on Foundation servers for some reason, it could
just use a specific tools.wikimedia.de certificat -- or we could just kill
SSL altogether -- the tools.wikimedia.de domain is from before the
toolserver even had SSL support.

In numbers: there are only 11 links to https://tools.wikimedia.de on
enwiki, as compared to 87059 to http://tools.wikimedia.de. Even on dewiki,
which should be the more privacy-interested people ;-), the numbers are 13
(https) vs 14673 (http).

> This is why I'm asking tool developers to replace this link in their
> tools. (Yes, it is used inside older tools, not just somewhere in this
> internet.)

In that case, I suggest to e-mail those tool authors directly to ask them
to fix that.

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