[Labs-l] Toolserver / Tool Labs at the Amsterdam Hackathon

Silke Meyer silke.meyer at wikimedia.de
Tue Mar 12 12:11:06 UTC 2013


Just a short note to remind you of the upcoming MediaWiki Hackathon in
Amsterdam: http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Amsterdam_Hackathon_2013

Marc Pelletier, Sumana Harihareswara, me and *many* others will be there
to meet you: We'll give a status update and a migration workshop for
tool developers. The existing documentation will be updated on-the-fly.
If you want help to get started at the Hackathon, please *get your Labs
Account beforehand*. Here is how:

If you happen to be from Austria, you might still want to apply for a
travel scholarship from Wikimedia Austria:
(in German).

Hope to see you there!
Best, Silke

Silke Meyer
Systemadministratorin und Projektassistenz Wikidata

Wikimedia Deutschland e.V. | Obentrautstr. 72 | 10963 Berlin
Tel. (030) 219 158 260


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