[Gendergap] Girl Geek Dinner Volunteers

Fiona Apps wikipanyd at gmail.com
Fri Sep 30 15:20:35 UTC 2011

Hey guys!


So, I've been speaking at Girl Geek Dinner events in the UK, spreading the
good word about what it is we do, having editing sessions and then getting
feedback from women on why they don't edit, or if they do, how they think
Wikipedia can be improved to be more women-friendly. It's really interesting
to do and the women who are involved are just the most wonderful people you
could ever meet.


I am emailing the head of Girl Geek Dinners at the moment to ask whether I
can send an email out to all of the organisations asking if they would like
to have a woman Wikipedian come and speak at their local event. Like I said,
they're all absolutely wonderful, and the crowd size is usually about forty.
They're a global organisation so anyone from anywhere can volunteer for


My question is: Is anyone interested? If you are, please do email me with
who your local chapter is and I will make a list so that if we are invited
to these dinners I have a repository of people to invite to speak. The
speech is already written, the format is already arranged and the women are
friendly. So please, come one and all!


Fiona /Panyd


P.s. We usually bring cake too. Here's coverage from the Bristol event

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